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A Shiatsu Massage for Your Face: ReFa CARAT Just imagine how a massage feels after an intense HIIT workout. Now imagine that same massage on your face after a day...
Tecky Beauty
Availability: Out Of Stock
Product Code:
Tecky Beauty
A Shiatsu Massage for Your Face: ReFa CARAT Just imagine how a massage feels after an intense HIIT workout. Now imagine that same massage on your face after a day of smiling, smooching, frowning, raising your eyebrows and drinking from a straw. That is what this device is all about. ReFa CARAT features a unique, 360-degree, multiangle design that’s meant to replicate the gentle pinching and kneading sensation that your esthetician does as part of your in-office treatment. These actions stimulate your skin and facial muscles to boost circulation, enhancing firmness and improving tone. Its waterproof and portable design makes it ideal for travel and use while bathing, and because it’s solar-powered it never requires plugging in or battery replacement.
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